Stoicism 🗿

  • philosphy

I came across an eminent philosophy to deal with life. It got me hooked and here I share the gist of it.Stoicism is one of the dominant philosophical systems that flourished in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The Stoics believed that the practice of virtue is enough to achieve eudaimonia: a well-lived life. It was founded in the ancient Agora of Athens by Zeno of Citium around 300 BC.Here are a few major lessons it offers:### 1. Care about the Controllable"Some things are in our control, others not." - EpictetusPicture this- You are planning for a picnic and it has started to rain. You can't control the whether but you sure can control how you respond to the rain - you could get frustrated or start to weep. Or you can adapt by making it indoors and see the rain as a refreshing change.The way you judge and respond to an event affects your well-being and it is never the event that affects you.### 2. Reflect before ReactingPicture yourself reading a nerve striking message, maybe a colleague questioning you or a friend's comment. The gut reaction might be defensive or angry. But what if you take a temporary detachment? You are giving the colleague/friend space to breathe and realise their action. Maybe that colleague had a bad day and did not realise the weight of their words. How many misunderstandings could be resolved if we took the time to reflect? How many bridges could be built instead of burned?Reflection brings clarity to the mind and such decisions made after reflections withstand the test of time.### 3. Practice DispassionIt is not about suppressing emotions but to cultivate a balanced perspective. You have to find a calm amidst the storm. Imagine if you have the ability to observe your emotions and the surroundings without being overwhelmed about it. It helps you to avoid impulsive aggression and triggers but rather act rational. ### 4. Will this matter in five years?One powerful question can shift our perspective toward our goal. Ask yourself before you act - "Will this matter in five years?" Every heated argument or a missed opportunity will be forgotten footnotes in the Grand narrative of our life. Such petty things will slide with time. What travels with you is your result of consistent work.Tell yourself, this might very well be your last day. The time is precious. Make every day count.### 5. Obstacles are Opportunities"The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way." - Marcus AureliusChallenges are Opportunities in disguise. Look at the fate and say, "Hey fate, come at me with all you have got and I'll make the best of it."### 6. Discipline"For a man to conquer himself is the noblest of all victories".Your best self is built when you conquer your mindset and take consistent action thay align with your long-term goals even when you don't feel like doing.*Declutter your mind and create space for what is more important while getting rid of unnecessary distractions.###7. Practice GratitudeCount your blessings and pay our gratitude yo experiences, moments, people or things that enrich your life. Thank the universe for all you have got.A person always happy is never happy. Happiness is relative. *Less is more. Appreciate all the small things in life.Such philosophy is an eminent weapon to deal with life.